Saturday, January 31, 2009

On Vacation Again :)

So my gibbon adventure is over. :( Tomorrow I get to talk to a science class at skyler's school about the gibbon project and that will be fun, but I'm done working with those silly apes. I moved in with Skyler for his last few days. Volunteering was so fun and ended so quickly. I even got to go to a Muslim Wedding. This was a strange experience because I did not know the couple that was getting married. Most of us volunteers didn't. So basically we showed up and said a quick sawadtee ka to everyone and then we were led upstairs to eat a feast. We did not eat with anyone else from the wedding. Then we went outside to take a million pictures with the bride and groom and then said goodbye. I felt kind of like a prop, but the food was good. This was the groom's only wife but they are allowed to have four. So that was interesting.
Also a few days before I left another volunteer named Scott got lost in the forest. He was camping with a thai staff member, Yan, in the forest and they were drinking a lot. He wanted to go hunting for snakes because this is what they had done before. Yan said no because they had to get up early to track the gibbons and went to bed. Scott, being the smart drunk that he is decided to sneak away and go snake hunting by himself. He ended up slipping, falling down a hill and hitting his head. His flashlight broke, he didn't know where he was so he stumbled around all night. The next day he walked down the mountain dehydrated and hallucinating. They found in at about 5pm in bad shape. The next day he was fine and went back to work but he never heard the end of it. Poor idiot.
Skyler and I have been exploring Phuket this weekend. We went to see the big Buddha in south phuket. They just built it and it really is huge. There is a gong there that will make a very loud and crazy noise when you rub your hands over the center of it in a certain way. It all has to do with how moist your hands are and how fast you do it. Skyler and I were two of the few people that could do it. The locals were very impressed. They just didn't understand that there was a science to it. Instead they believe that it is a spiritual thing, so there was even a Thai mother telling her children to wai to Skyler after he did it. Wai is when you put your hands together in a prayer like position in front of your face and it is used to show respect. There was also a great view of Phuket Town and the bay. We could see other islands close by too. I wish I could show you but this computer will not allow me to upload photos.
Now I am looking forward to moving on. Skyler and I think that we are going to boat over to Railey which is on the other side of the Gulf of Phuket. There we can relax on the beach and go snorkling, kayaking and all kinds of fun adventurous stuff. We also will go to Krabi and try to find a temple we heard about that has over a thousand steps leading up to it,or something like that. We hope it will not be another temple surrounded by a market. Whatever we do I'm sure it will be fun.

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